An online catalog of costumes and props for the various Trek series and motion pictures other than Deep Space Nine.
Monday, April 12, 2010
From Star Trek V comes the next costume in our line-up. It is Lawrence Lukenbill's stunt double Sybok outfit from "The Final Frontier." This costume is comprised of Vulcan robes and an elaborate tabbard seen in the 1st half of the film.
I am Thot Pran, aka Jim, a non-commercial collector of Star Trek costumes. I have been collecting since Christie's held the now-historic 40th anniversay auction, and I'm afraid to say, there is no end in sight. I collect on many different levels: love of the character, passion for the design of the costume, and an amazement at the materials and workmanship involved in the creation of such magnificent pieces of "art". I find that I am constantly drawn to the costumes from Star Trek Deep Space Nine since that series holds the most interest for me, but my collection represents most of the various series and films.
The movie was garbage, but that costume was very impressive. Congrats on the blogger award from startrekvulcanology!